Avocado fruits are getting very popular anywhere in the world.Avocado is sometimes called “avocado pear” or “alligator pear”, and “Aguacate Palta” in Spanish.
It is believed that avocados have originated in Mexico and Central America. However, today, avocados are being planted and harvested in countries such as Indonesia, Philippines, Thailand, Vietnam, USA, Sri Lanka, Brazil, India, China, Japan, Peru, Uruguay, Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, Ethiopia, Spain, Palestine, South Africa, Australia, New Zealand, Malaysia, and Hawaii. You can plant it even in your backyard garden and it is adaptable as long as the climate does not go below 5°C during winter season.One tree bears about 200 pieces of fruit.
Avocado or an avocado extract is good for prevention or treatment of “breast cancer” as well as “prostate cancer”.information states that a toxin found in avocado can kill cancer cell. However, the toxin mentioned here is not identified completely. Scientists believe that the toxin has a great effect on the myocardium (heart muscle tissue) as well as on tissues of the lactating mammary gland.
Creamy rich avocado is considered the world's healthiest fruit, because of its nutrient contents such as vitaminK, dietary fiber, potassium, folic acid, vitamin B6, vitamin C, copper, and reasonablecalories in it.
Avocados contain “oleic acid”, a monounsaturated fat that may help lower cholesterol. One cup of avocado has about 23% of the Daily Value for folate, anutrient important for heart health. study showed that individuals who consume folate-rich diets have a much lower risk of cardiovascular disease or stroke than those who do not consume much of this vital nutrient.
It is also a concentrated dietary source of the "carotenoid lutein". contains measurable amounts of related carotenoids plus significant quantities of vitamin E.
The apricot is a stone fruit with a seed nut within it. Its shape is similar to that of the peach but slightly smaller, with skin that is velvety and golden orange in color.
Apricot is not suitable for juicing but can be blended to be mixed with other juices. The fresh fruit tastes smooth and sweet, with a flavor that is a cross between a peach and a plum.
An apricot in its raw state is somewhat acidic but the acidity decreases as it ripens and its sugar content increases. When it ripens, the vitamin A within also doubles.
Interesting: Recently, hybrids have been produced between plums and apricots which are supposed to be much more superior than either parent:
The apricot has highly health-building virtues. The fresh fruit is rich in easily-digestible natural sugars, vitamins A and C, riboflavin (B2) and niacin (B3).
It is also an excellent source of minerals like calcium, phosphorus, iron and traces of sodium, sulphur, manganese, cobalt and bromine.
Apricots are often dried, cooked into pastry or eaten as jam. The calories in apricots multiply many times over when dried, but the amount of calcium, phosphorus and iron also increased significantly.
The beta-carotene and lycopene in this golden fruit helps protect the LDL cholesterol from oxidation, which in turn helps prevent heart disease.
The apricot seed is a nut that is rich in protein and fat like any other nuts. It also has an extremely high content of vitamin B17 which is known as Laetrile. Daily consumption of this seed is claimed to be highly effective in preventing cancer. Cancer patients on Laetrile Cancer Therapy have reported that their tumors have shrunk with high doses of vitamin B17.
These bitter seeds may be chopped up or ground and swallowed with a teaspoon of honey.
Health Benefits
The fruit, kernel (inner softer part of the seed), oil and flowers of the apricot have always been used in medicine and medical treatment from ancient days.
The kernel yields an oil that is similar to that of the almond and is widely used for their sedative, anti-spasmodic relief to strained muscles. It is also useful for healing of wounds, expelling worms and as a general health tonic.
Anemia: The high content of iron in apricot makes it an excellent food for anemia sufferers. The small but essential amount of copper in the fruit makes the iron available to the body. Liberal consumption of apricot can increase the production of hemoglobin in the body. This is ideal for women after their menstrual cycle, especially those with heavy flow.
Constipation: The cellulose and pectin content in apricot is a gentle laxative and are effective in the treatment of constipation. The insoluble cellulose acts as a roughage which helps the bowel movement. The pectin absorbs and retains water, thereby increasing bulk to stools, aiding in smooth bowel movement.
Digestion: Take an apricot before meal to aid digestion, as it has an alkaline reaction in the digestive system.
Eyes/Vision: The high amount of vitamin A (especially when dried) is essential to maintain or improve eyesight. Insufficiency of this vitamin can cause night blindness and impair sight.
Fever: Blend some honey and apricots with some mineral water and drink to cool down fevers. It quenches the thirst and effectively eliminates the waste products from the body.
Skin Problem: Juice fresh apricot leaves and apply on scabies, eczema, sun-burn or skin itchiness, for that cool, soothing feeling.
Consumption Tips
Apricots are usually picked when they are still firm. An unripe apricot is often yellow and hard. When ripe and soft, its color turn a consistent golden-orange hue. At this time, handle the fruit with care as it is easily bruised.
Stored in the fridge, these fruits can last for three or four days. When overripe, the fruit turns soft and mushy.
Fresh apricots contain a small amount of oxalates. Individuals with a history of calcium oxalate-containing kidney stones should not consume too much of this fruit.
Whereas dried apricots contain sulfur-containing compounds such as sulfur dioxide. These compounds may cause adverse reactions in people who suffer from asthma.
What are xanthones? They are biologically active plant phenols found in a few select tropical plants, in fact the majority of them have been found in just two families of higher plants – Guttiferae and Gentianaceae. They are one of the unique classes of phytonutrients. There are over 200 types of xanthone in nature, and over 40 are found in the mangosteen and vast majority of them are available in the pericarp (skin) of mangosteen. Based on the research completed so far, there seem to be no fruit contains as many xanthones as mangosteen. When we eat mangosteen, the only part we consume is the tasty flesh, and the pericarp which is the healthiest part is the part that we throw away. Due to its unbearable bitter taste, it is just not edible by all means.
According to the research , mangosteen’s xanthones possess antibacterial, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, antifungal, antiviral and antitumor properties. This has validated the traditional uses of mangosteen in the treatment of diarrhea, infection, dysentery and inflammatory skin conditions despite the fact that little clinical studies were completed in vivo (in live organism) so far.
What are so special about these xanthone elements?
Mangosteen has the highest amount of various xanthone in the fruit, over 40 are found in mangosteen fruit alone. Each xanthone has its own unique property.
Xanthone is among one of the most potent antioxidants known, stronger than vitamins C and E.
They are heat stable molecules. They won’t lose their structure when under heat.
the WHOLE body. Over 40 different Xanthones have been
found in the Mangosteen, which are chemically beneficial molecules, each having specific
leading properties.The "strong" antioxidants strengthen cell walls.
-- They kill bacteria, viruses, and fungus.
-- They stop the attack in DNA and even have restorative properties.
-- They help the body run as a complete, interrelated and integrated system.
-- They help the mind think better, adapt better, and give a sense of well-being (anti-depressant).
-- They stop the damage of brain cells so they grow and divide properly and help the cell walls and the neuro transmitters function properly.
-- They aid with Alzheimers, and all forms of memory loss.
-- They help in the battle against degenerative diseases like cancer, heart disease, diabetes, arthritis, and all forms of brain malfunctions.
-- They help the VISION process: cataracts, macular degeneration, glaucoma, and other forms of vision loss may be prevented.
The Tamarillo belongs to the solanaceaes family. This fruit is oval shaped, it is 7-9cm long and 100 to 150gr in weight. The crust is smooth, thin and red. The exterior part of the pulp is firm and fleshy. In the centre, the fruit has a soft and jelly like texture with small edible seeds. The crust is a little bitter but the pulp has a pleasant bitter-sweet flavour.
Nutritional content
The Tamarillo helps to provide essential vitamins that the body needs such as the Vitamins A, C and provitamin A. It is an excellent calcium, iron and potassium source. It also contains phosphorus and magnesium.
Health benefits
The consumption of Tamarillos is recommended to control high blood pressure and to lower cholesterol. It is also used in diets for losing weigh.
Tamarillo are suitable for raw consumption, by taking the skin off with a knife and cutting it into slices or cutting the fruit in half and eating the pulp with a spoon. The pulp can be covered with sugar or salt, depending on your taste, can also be consumed in fruit salads, juice, deserts, jam.
Apple Fruit contain vitamins like Vitamin C, Beta-Carotene, iron and potassium etc., The Vitamin C content may not be as good as Oranges but apples have very high mineral contents, pectins, malic acid which are good in normalizing the intestines. Apple Fruit is good for treatment of anaemia, dysentery, heart disease, headache, eye disorders, kidney stones and promotes vigour and vitality. Apple juice is good to overcome a liverish feeling, further, apples are unlikely to cause allergic reactions and are excellent means of providing essential fluids to the body.
A number of components in apples, have been found in studies to lower blood cholesterol with a reduced risk of ischemic heart disease, stroke, prostrate cancer, type II diabetes and asthma. A new study whose findings have been published in the Journal of Alzheimer's Disease is sure to bring cheers for people suffering from this strange disease.
This study suggests that eating and drinking apples and apple juice, in conjunction with a balanced diet, can protect the brain from the effects of oxidative stress and that we should eat such antioxidant-rich foods. Apples are also good for treatment of the Acid reflux condition also called gerd (gastro esophageal reflux disease)
Green Apples - Good for strong bones and teeth, aids in vision, anti cancer properties.
Yellow Apples - Good for heart and eyes, immune system, reduce risk of some cancers.
Red Apples - Good for heart, Memory function, lower risk of some cancers and to maintain urinary tract health
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Chennai city conducting a charity run for cancer people.This event is going to held at IIT-Chennai.Please ,give your hands to make the event successful.On 22nd August 2010 at 7am.Free registration.Welcome to all.